Workplace Safety, Health & Security Policy
Workplace Safety, Health & Security Policy
It is the policy of Visar Components Pte Ltd to perform all works safely to achieve accident-free operations. Workplace Safety, Health and Security is always accorded top priority in all our activities. We will strive to encourage staff to imbible a culture whereby all staff value individual commitment towards safe working practices.
Workplace Safety, Health & Security Policy Statement
1. We will provide adequate infrastructure & resources to ensure the safety of our workers.
2. We will be committed to reduce WSHS Risks.
3. We shall identify, assess and strive to eliminate hazards to all in our workplace including our employees, subcontractors & visitors.
4. We will provide training, skills enhancements and supervise everyone working in our company to ensure they have a proper understanding & appreciation of safe work practices and follow them diligently.
5. We will involve employees in workplace safety, health & security issues including risk assessments and solicit their recommendations for continual improvements.
6. We will be committed to manage & respond to terror threats.
7. We will be committed to build a harmonious, inclusive, and cohesive workplace.
8. We will make every worker, subcontractor & visitor aware of his responsibility to observe safety rules.
9. We will take every effort to comply with relevant WSHS legal and other requirements.
10. We will demonstrate our commitment to continually improving the effectiveness of our risk management system and to preventing injury and ill health to all our workers.
11. We will communicate our WSHS policy to all relevant stakeholder